Tycho ENG

Tycho is an automatic machine that allows the movement of the seats on a flat floor
(as movement means the disappearance of the same).
(as movement means the disappearance of the same).
Disappearance of the session inside the box
Increase and improve the usability of available space for the public.
Technical features
- Base Materials: Steel
Module height: 350 MM minimum
Interfila: minimum 900 MM
Handling Time:
1’40 “Automatic / Centralized Mod
1 ‘Manual Mod
Handling Type: Mechanical
Application: Flat or inclined surface
Capacity: 500 Kg / Mq Minimum
Ordinary Maintenance: Lubrication of the mechanical apparatus
Flooring: Wood, Ceramic, Parquette or other
Electrical / Electronic System: Class 1-Fire-fighting – Non-Propagating
Power Supply Voltage: 400V 50 / 60Hz (Multitension)
Painting: Epoxy Powder (Ral on request)
Further Applications (Fire smoke detection device, air treatment system, ambient lighting.
Fire Reaction Class: CL 1 (electrical system)
Resistance to Fire: R.E.I. Inf 15 Minutes